Netflix’s Green Eggs and Ham goes a little something like this. Whiletraveling through the whimsical world of Dr. Seuss, our hero Sam encounters the rare Chickeraffe at the Glurfsburg Zoo, heads to Meepville, with the Chickeraffe in his briefcase, so he can procure a cold air balloon to take the rare beast to his island home. While relaxing at a diner he runs into Guy. Fresh from blowing his chance at being a world famous inventor for Snertz Co., Guy has his invention in a briefcase and is on his way to pursue a career as a paint watcher. Hilarity ensues when the two meet at the diner and the briefcases are switched resulting in an adventure that takes them on a journey of self discovery.
The two unlikely heroes eventually join up with Michellee, whose daughter, EB, falls madly in love with the Chickeraffe- despite her mother’s unfounded concern that it will eat her face. Michellee and Guy hit it off and a laborious love story begins. Retro Cool Nerd cannot wait for this series that promises us a modern take on Planes, Trains and Automobiles., through the wonderful world of Dr. Suess. Until then we have the theme song from the show “Back Flip” created by Rivers Cuomo, Weezer frontman, specially for the Netflix Original Series Green Eggs and Ham. You can check it out below.
Now, without anymore hesitation the song that told The Lego Movie’s “Everything Is Awesome” to “Hold Me Beer”-( Press play)