Paul Dini is a living legend in the animation and Comic book industries. Superman: The Animated Series, Batman Beyond, and even Tiny Toons Adventures bear the Dini stamp but we are talking about the show that started Paul on his path to legendary status. Batman: The Animated Series (B:TAS). Mr Dini served as writer, producer, and editor for the show that brought us the quintessential version of the Dark Knight. Along with its groundbreaking art deco style, fresh takes on classic Batman villains, and thoughtful stories B:TAS showed the world what a cartoon could really be. Along with Bruce Timm, Dini created and introduced the zany and unpredictable anti hero Harley Quinn. Since she first appeared in the Joker’s Favor episode, she has been a mainstay and has had a place in all Batman media since.
Dini joins us,just about a year ago at SDCC 2018, to discuss his love for the property and and why the show has continued to be a fan favorite for so long. Paul tells us how proud he is that Harley has joined “ the Big Three” and Batman, Superman, and Wonder Woman now have a fourth. We get into which is his favorite version of Harley(you can guess) and why she can work in so many different types of stories, the challenges of writing different kinds of Batman stories for comic books, B:TAS, and even video games.