Retro, Cool, Nerd.

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 Eric Randomski (Freakazoid, Batman: Mask Of The Phantasm) has been hanging around Gotham for about 28 years now. It was his distinctive style of background design, “Art Deco on a black”, that helped sell the series originally. Ever since his early career as the Producer and Co-creator of the groundbreaking Batman: the Animated Series, Eric has been pushing the boundaries of what to expect from T.V. animation. Last year at SDCC 2018, celebrating the release of Batman: The Animated Series , Eric sits to share his thoughts on the legacy Batman: The Animated Series after 25 years.

“Technology has caught up with the industry, and  I wish that I had the tools that I have now, back then,... When you work on a project so closely you only see the imperfections. There’s so many shows I would live to go back into. So many things that are there and I can’t watch the shows the same way.”

“As far as the tone, we probably could make that show today. It is ironic we got away with so much more than we could now, because everything is so litigious that you have to be careful every step of the way. The way you portray race, the color, the creed, body type, and language. It would have taken the life’s breath out of the series if we tried to make it again today.”

Radomski recalls an evening a few years ago when he tried to watch Batman: Mask Of The Phantasm re-release in a theater with an audience full of fans 

“There were literally scenes I couldn't  look at ,and the fans love it. But throughout the movie there are things. Because we rushed thru it, in so many regards, and we had so little money that there are things out of focus, things that are unfinished, characters popping all over the place. “Oh my God, I wish I could go back and massage this quite a bit”.

You can dig the whole conversation here.