Also, Myself Grim, and Marke have some ideas of what other comedy specials you should be streaming at home right now to keep the viral anxiety at bay (seriously, if you haven't bailed onThe Walking Dead in favor of The Office by now, then it's time to wonder which one is really still considered escapism, you sadist). But if you have an urge to feel that communal connection with a great live comedy show during these sequestered times, we've also got some recommendations for you of classic stand up albums guaranteed to transport you right back into those crowded smoke-filled comedy clubs of yesteryear (i.e, before March of this year). Because, like we said, you just gotta laugh. Now. Do it. You'll thank us. But if you absolutely have to wait, then just pick up Billy's debut comedy album DRINKING AT THE KIDS TABLE on May 15th! Push that play button!