Retro, Cool, Nerd.

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Holy Mego Batman Balls! This is some very Super big news coming out of Comic-Con@Home right now. Usually I would be sending this post from a standing room only Hall H, but that is not in the cards this year. During his annual Justice Con, beleaguered super director Zach Snyder (Man of Steel, Sucker Punch) let loose the long rumored clip of Kal-El, apparently showing up in the Batcave, wearing his Kryptonian re-generation suit. That’s right, the black one. check it out, here, now.

Zach also tells the story of how he had cut his own trailer for the “Snyder Cut” of Justice League, and wanted to pay a hapless intern to throw it on screen during someone else’s panel. Gansta! But, it was a vision that many super fans wanted to see. Watch the whole panel here: