Depending on when you are reading this Ryan was a panelist on the Composer Squares Game Show at Comic-Con@Home panel. A Hollywood Squares -like game show that fits perfectly with the landscape we find ourselves working in right now. Moderators from BMI’s Anne Cecere and White Bear PR's Chandler Poling
have raised the level of online panels to more than just a glorified Zoom meeting into something more fun and exciting.
Fellow panelists Lorne Balfe (His Dark Materials, Mission: Impossible Fallout), Jongnic Bontemps (Murder to Mercy: The Cyntoia Brown Story), Christopher Lennertz (Lost in Space, Supernatural), and Sonya Belousova & Giona Ostinelli (The Witcher) are prepared answer trivia questions on topics like the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and even the Golden Girls. So what is Elder’s field of expertise?
“That’s the great thing about Hollywood squares, if you don’t know the answers it’s almost more fun because you get to make up something and try to fool people. I am looking forward to people getting to see it. I guess I know the MCU pretty well, My wife and I watched all of them in a row last year, before Endgame came out. They are fun, they are just a lot of fun.”