WonderCon 2024 started off the weekend with one of the most intriguing panels we have been to yet. The Roku Channel not only premiered the first episode of the highly anticipated The Spiderwick Chronicles, but also featured the cast and writers in a Q&A panel afterwards. During the panel star Christian Slater (True Romance, Mr. Robo), whose character is somewhat of a secret, joked and shared some of his experiences and his thoughts on playing a character that really “chews the scenery.”
“I’ve never done anything in the, I guess, fantasical world, this world of magic and fairies, and fariy tales. It was great and I loved it.” Slater continued “This kind of imaginary creature certainly gave me a lot oif freedom, and opportunity to…chew the scenery.”
From The Spiderwick Chronicles panel WonderCon 2024
The Roku Channnel series focuses on the Grace family as they move from Brooklyn, New York, to their ancestral home in Henson, Michigan, the Spiderwick Estate. Helen (Joy Brant) makes the move with her 15-year-old fraternal twin boys, Jared (Lyon Daniels) and Simon (Noah Cottrell), and her older daughter, Mallory (Mychala Lee). Shortly after moving to the Spiderwick Estate Jared discovers Thimbletack (Jack Dylan Grazer) and realizes that magical creatures are real! The only one to believe him is his great-aunt Lucinda who implores Jared to find the pages of her father’s field guide to magical creatures and protect them from the murderous Ogre, Mulgarath.
The Spiderwick Chronicles also stars Joy Bryant (About Last Night, Honey), Lyon Daniels (We Can Be Heroes), Noah Cottrell (Skyscraper, Boys of Summer), Mychala Lee (End of the Road, Truth be Told), Jack Dylan Grazer (It, Shazam), and Alyvia Alyn Lind (Chucky, Daybreak).
The Spiderwick Chronicles hits The Roku channel on April 19th, buy we have this trailer below to tide you over until then.