Retro, Cool, Nerd.

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Inside Job, starring Christian Slater (True Romance, Very Bad Things) and Clark Duke (Hot Tub Time Machine, Kick-Ass), dropped last week on Netflix. Set levels below Washington DC, Inside Job is an adult animated comedy about the shadow government – and the dysfunctional team whose daily grind is committing the world's conspiracies. From convoluted coverups to secret societies to masked orgy etiquette, navigating office culture at Cognito Inc. can be tricky, especially for the disgraced former head of the organization, Rand Reilly (Slater), and lovable DC yes-man Brett Hand (Duke). Even in a workplace filled with reptilian shapeshifters and psychic mushrooms, current CEO Reagan Ridley (Lizzy Caplan) thinks she can make a difference if only she could manage her unhinged, manifesto-writing father and her irresponsible coworkers. Slater and Duke take time out from plotting the deep state conspiracies to chat with me for Bleeding Cool about Inside Job, conspiracy theories, and let it slip that this is all a CIA-backed counterintelligence operation